Thursday, August 05, 2010

Is there hope for politics: better days to come?

Ah...NOPE. The public is lazy and refuse to think for themselves, leaving it to corrupt "leaders". So no, there are not better days, unless the public acts and makes better decisions. Oh yea, and not letting Ann Coulter, Jon Stewart, Rush Limbaugh and the likes think for them. You probably shouldn't let Sarah Palin think for you either. The woman can see Russia from Alaska, but she is vicious in her lack on insight- unless women have started liking to being likened to vicious animals.
The politicians are feeding on the public's paranoia. and enjoying being dubious.
There is nothing worse than spending your time with people who are paranoid. Eventually, you find yourself walking down the street, back and forth making sure that a guy with a silencer is not following you-Even though you know you are not carrying anything that could potentially be of any help to anyone. Talk of your sense of grandeur! I mean, what is worse that having conspiracy theories all around? that is not to say that there are no conspiracies, for goodness sake, the CIA lives on conspiracy theories.
There are people who are paranoid everywhere, but it is not helped that the same people bring that paranoia on themselves. Case in point, look at the recent elected officials in congress.
We all wish that things could be better, but wishing is not going to produce results. Really, NOT! How do you expect for things to get better when you continuously elect people who are continuously making bad decisions? Its like the Wisconsin Budget case where the elected officials thought that increasing spending and cutting taxes would help their case. Okay, does that sound stupid to someone else, or just this particular author?
Is there hope for politics? Probably, but that will take a massive action that is not foreseen. The public is lazy. Thinking for themselves is too hard. So they let an "elite" few who lie to them with talks of hope and "restoring America".
The future of politics and all the good that COULD be accomplished is in the hands of the people. NO----I am not talking about a revolution ( not the armed kind anyways-thats just stupid). The public needs to make wiser decisions. Start thinking for themselves, and maybe just maybe, things might get better. You can't expect things to change while you keep voting in the same idiots.

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