Friday, February 19, 2010

I promise...there is a point

When Africans grew their own "organic foods" they were called primitive, but now, organic food is the "In" thing. When Africans walked nude, it was barbaric, and backwards; now, when others do it, by golly, it is called ART....oh not forgetting that it is "trendy"...oh, and when outsiders run planes into buildings it i...s "terrorism" but when an American does it, it is "emotional/crazy"

let me reiterate on those points.
Organic foods has become trendy now. Well so is living in nature and "being one" with nature. For those who pursue these endeavors, they are called the "trust fund" babies, mainly because California has become the land of those who want to become one with their natural habitats...(lets not mention that California fires are burning down) you have to wonder where they are going to commune with nature if it is a desert.
Then lets go back to where all this came from. Africa. African spiritualism called for the communing with ancestors, who were in essence, everywhere. This was the way of life. the Africans would seat under a baobab tree, because it was rather spiritual and respectful. The relationship between nature and man was that of give and take...which is how it should be.
However, the arrival of Europeans more or less shamed the people into stopping these practices, because they were "primitive". So should we be laughing now that these same practices that were shunned, are what are becoming trendy?
Organic food follows the same suit. ave you studied the history of pre-colonia and post-colonial africa?The gist of it is that after independance, africans were asked to "catch" up with the rest of the world. And to do so, the traditional means of agriculture were discouraged, and instead of using manure, farmers were more or else forced to used fertilizer because it encouraged the production of more food. now....we are back where we started. I wonder......should Africans be laughing now?

And one of my favorite if not funny nudity. You go to California, or even in New york, and you find nudes on stage...and its ART. You go topless at a beach, and its walk with two strings barely holding your unmentionables....and it is acceptable.
But when the Turkana in Kenya go bare...its primitive and to those who watch national Geographic...very interesting. My point is, art should be art. if Nude is art, it should not matter who is long as you are willing to accept the artistic measure of that.

That was a bit of international society ranting


Azazel said...

What was formally primitive is now acceptable..
These things always come back full cycle?

dmuragijimana said...

I can see that.
Its actually laughable...if it wasnt so sad