I am all for rights. Free speech, freedom to associate, freedom freedom freedom! I like that. I like the ideal of it, but well, not the practice of it. I am sure that the tea party, the radicals, the liberals, all have their say in politics. However, there is such thing as “abusive of rights”. Personally I would draw the line at wishing the president’s death. Think I am pulling this off my air-brain, here is the site. Really? The excuse of those who join is that this is a joke, and that they have the freedom to say what they want. Is it just me, or is this not remotely funny!
I admit, this is coming from a selfish concern. I mean, I do care about what happens to Obama, but a much bigger issue, I simply do not want somewhere down the road someone to feel that it is right to wish my death just because of my opinions. No thank you….I do not fancy the idea of losing my life for my opinions. I like my life.
I have been raising this question since I started on this political field: Where has history shown that one man can change a nation? Forget all these “emperors” and Kings, and Hitler. They had a lot of help, to bring about the “good”(debatable) or “bad” change. Yes, Hitler might have been the man on the front, but behind him were Nazis...Queen Elizabeth might have been a virgin queen, but she had enough counselors and army to change history.
So what makes Obama different? First of all, he is a MAN, limited and not all powerful. Now if he could move mountains, split the seas into half, drain the oceans, command giants etc…there would be some hope. Unfortunately, this kind of power exist only in Greek Mythologies. Obama is not Zeus, nor is he Jason with the Argonauts, for Americans can never be as silent and obedient as the Argonauts.
Therefore, since Obama is not Zeus, nor Jesus, we can only hope that he does his best. There has never been one man who can change a nation in a year, not even four years for that matter. It has taken more than four years to bring about the mess, and it would take double the time to clean the mess out. Point of disclaimer: Obama never promised to clean up the mess in a year, nor four. He said it would take time and hard work. I gues people forget that part of the conversation.
There is a lesson to learn. We cannot assume that Obama is some kind of a god who would save the world from their problem. He might not be perfect... Infact, he is not perfect, but people joining groups wishing him to die is a bit extreme.- scratch that, it is ignorant, uncalled for and shows a level of close-mindedness that has caused a lot of problems in the world. They say that those who ignore history are bound to repeat it….seems like the statement is right. For we see history repeating itself and the only word I can think of is – SCARY!
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