Wednesday, July 07, 2010

When the Oppressed Become the Oppressors

I saw this trailer, and I had to see the documentary. People speak of Justice as if it is like a gallon of milk that you can go to the store and buy, but daily, I am reminded that this is not the case. Justice might be served on cold plates, but there seem to be a really messed up idea of what Justice is to be.
The documentary above explores the blunders of Mugabe, as blacks were given land that was inhabited by the white farmers. It was to this injustice that the movie addresses.
Sadly, this is just one of several instances Paulo Freire's words become a reality. The oppressed become the oppressors, all they need is the opportunity and the right motive. Mugabe and the white farmers, Israeli and palestine, are just a few instances of this. However, a documentary like this reminds one that there is always more to the story than the simplicity of hate begetting hate.

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