Friday, July 24, 2009


Sometimes I am simply given to ranting, because it simply makes me feel better.
Well, today, I became just a little bit offed by a comment that was made.
What is it about African men, that the idea of women being independent threatens them?
I am working on a research project that would be in efforts to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa, women will have to be empowered. They will have to be given a right to ownership, and the right to say NO.
What is that? I think that is called progress.
Anyways, I told this to a friend of mine, who happens to be African. He is very educated, but sometimes I forget that he is very African, and believes that we should go back to stomping and using spears...seriously, sometimes the way he speaks, I wonder if he is not just a chauvinist, using his African genes, to prove even much more so unbearable to the women.
So I told him of the idea that I am researching, and he was like, "THAT IS SO AMERICAN" and I was first shocked, then I realized he was serious. Apparently, thinking of progress has become an American thing. Thinking that women can actually go beyond being second-clad citizens is not American, it is a will to progress.
Anyways, my rant is done for now. I am sure this will come up again

1 comment:

Aleks said...

There are plenty of Americans who are also hostile to women's equality, unfortunately.