Tuesday, October 06, 2009

How Africa became a Dystopia

I am always weary of writing about African politics. There is really no simple solutions because no one cares. Albeit you hear about all these politicians rising up and blah blah blah...but really, no one gives a care on what happens.
The African leaders are happy to steal from the people and the International Community
The african people elect leaders that give them nothing but trouble
Africans would rather see a freedom fighter in power, rather than an intelligent leader.....
The IC does not care as long as they have a charity case to make themselves feel better.

But today I cannot resist. You see, there are independent reports about African leadership. There are two ratings that came out last week, and according to both, Mauritius is on the top and Somali is on the bottom...as the worst governed stated. (actually Somalia should not even be there because they really have NO leadership)
Okay there is off course contention on why there are two ratings. Basically an American and an African got together, and each one wanted credit, so they parted ways and came out with two different ratings. thats the end of that.
My interest is in the fact that Bostwana is on the top 10 list and then off course South Africa joins in, even though Thabo Mbeki was a leader for a whole couple of years. These scores are based on
1. Safety and Law
2. Human development
3. Sustainable economy opportunity
4. Participation and human rights

So basically, any country in that sense loses out. seriously, Mauritius is a small country, there can't be too much going on in there for mayhem. And Egypt??? Seriously, this is the place where people with PhD are driving Cabs....
I will give them Ghana, because this country has improved, and might yet be the salvation of Africa, if and if...Qaddafi does not drive the AU insane and actually declare himself kind of Africa.
Word of to those living in Sudan, Somalia, Chad, Zimbambwe, CAR, Congo, Cote D ivoire and Eritrea...you are screwed...so Get out and move to Mauritius.
My only comfort is that Burundi is not on the bottom of the list. It is #39, just after Nigeria. lol (well this is according to the Americans, the africans say that Burundi is #38, but Nigeria doing much better)...

This is how Africa became a dystopia. Leaders decided on African socialism, and gained too much power and turned the countries into a mayhem. The End!


Lady X said...

SA aint safe o! They are racist as well as zenophobic. And the rate of rape is very very high there. So please X them when it comes to safety.

Enoch said...

The state of Africa is not to be blamed solely on its leaders. Those leaders were merely a conduit for international control.

Read "Confessions of an economic Hitman"? Ever been acquainted with the idea that international debt is instigated by bribing said leaders to ramp it up?

They keep shouting about African leaders stealing aid when the cash is in their own banks and they know the account numbers.

Would it shock you to know that in the strategic vision of so called 1st world countries the pursuit of corporate interests is their creed and Africa is destined to be a source of cheap natural resources by design?

Read John Perkins book and see how those leaders are manipulated by appealing to their self interests or forced to accumulate debt, defund education and health services which are critical to recognize the sinister plan and ferment a popular uprising to end it.

The disease of corrupt leaders may have metastasized into a hideous monster today that requires coordinated nationwide nationalist sentiment to cure but make no mistake, it got that way by design.

Checkout their latest shenanigans.

dmuragijimana said...

@lady X
I did not put the study up. I suggest we write to the authors of these two studies.

@ Enoch...
there will be a day that all the blame will stop shifting to the IC
Are they robbing Africa? off course. Even the US which is called to be its greatest supporter is stealing from these nations.
as for knowing their bank accounts, since US pretty much helps to push all these leaders in place, it would be hard to shoot down their own...well maybe not in the case of Lumumba.

And why should the IC be going to help Africa, when its own leaders are doing jack? as for the Debt, something is being done to reduce that.

and no, it would not shock me, I am actually taking a class on the imbalance of first and third world powers. So I know all about Africa being a cheap labor, and cheap resource. (there are more words to describe this)

Not all leaders succumb to this pressure Enoch. I understand that most international relations are a matter of negotiations etc...but not all leaders give in to the pressure.
African leaders just seem to be comfortable to blame everything on the West, while they watch their people die.

PS: the huffington post? I would suggest, while most of their material are on point, you take all that is said with a grain of salt. Believe me, all it takes is to seat through their process meetings, and you will never take anything written there as face value. But I do love reading it every once so often